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Week 1: Objects & Description
Prompt 1: Pure Description
Prompt 2: Now it was only . . .
Prompt 3: Sometimes what comes to us . . .
Week 2: Big Ideas
Prompt 1: This is how it happens . . .
Prompt 2: The Watch
Prompt 3: We should _____ each other more . . .
Week 3: Memory
Prompt 1: This is how it seems to me now . . .
Prompt 2: What you have heard it true . . .
Prompt 3: I have forgotten . . .
Week 4: Unreliability
Prompt 1: In one version . . .
Prompt 2: It never happened . . .
Prompt 3: Saying & Unsaying
Week 5: Silence
Prompt 1: There is the silence of . . .
Prompt 2: I will not tell you . . .
Prompt 3: Here is the deepest secret nobody knows . . .
Week 6: Home
Prompt 1: Closest I got to a homeland is . . .
Prompt 2: Before me there must have been . . .
Prompt 3: It is here that . . .
Week 7: Place
Prompt 1: The Potato Plants
Prompt 2: Here/There
Prompt 3: The citizens of the new world know . . .
Week 8: Sentences
Prompt 1: Chiasm
Prompt 2: We are not the . . .
Prompt 3: My people my people . . .
Week 9: Breaks
Prompt 1: This is my fault line . . .
Prompt 2: Obituary Generator
Prompt 3: Enough
Week 10: Generosity
Prompt 1: Nothing wants to suffer . . .
Prompt 2: I brought back to life . . .
Prompt 3: Do what you are going to do . . .
Week 11: Bodies
Prompt 1: your body still your body
Prompt 2: A ____ is not . . .
Prompt 3: Even this late . . .
Week 12: Uncertainty
Prompt 1: Perhaps . . . I do not know . . .
Prompt 2: Might it be like this then . . .
Prompt 3: I had not remembered . . .
Week 13: Longing
Prompt 1: I wonder if I will miss . . .
Prompt 2: I took a piece of chalk and drew . . .
Prompt 3: Let them tell us what will come after . . .
Week 14: How To
Prompt 1: How to Apologize
Prompt 2: I will teach you . . .
Prompt 3: How to be Remembered
Week 15: Emotion
Prompt 1: Brainstorm
Prompt 2: What you have heard is true . . .
Prompt 3: Where do you open?
Week 16: Erasure
Prompt 1: Redaction
Prompt 2: There will be no . . .
Prompt 3: Everything in this house has long been over . . .
Week 17: Sentences
Prompt 1: It is really something . . .
Prompt 2: Short & Long
Prompt 3: Let them not say: . . .
Week 18: Enough
Prompt 1: Enough . . . I am asking you
Prompt 2: If not _____, this . . .
Prompt 3: I say I'm attached to . . .
Week 19: Near & Far
Prompt 1: Here/There
Prompt 2: ______ happened to day, or was it . . .
Prompt 3: Yet a voice keeps calling
Week 20: Repair
Prompt 1: This place could be . . .
Prompt 2: It was a mistake to . . .
Prompt 3: I paint _____ gold.
Week 21: Details
Prompt 1: I see them . . .
Prompt 2: Sometimes what comes to us, we never called for . . .
Prompt 3: He knew she'd just . . .
Week 22: Before
Prompt 1: Before me there must have been . . .
Prompt 2: Two ________ dig up ________
Prompt 3: I give you my _______. Please write on it what you wish.
Week 23: Gratitude
Prompt 1: We are saying thank you . . .
Prompt 2: Imagine if they suspected how much we owe them . . .
Prompt 3: We read each other's lips and said . . .
Week 24: Imagination
Prompt 1: Turns out . . .
Prompt 2: Let . . .
Prompt 3: What I'm telling you is . . .
Week 25: Song
Prompt 1: And then our singing . . .
Prompt 2: And then a voice lifted into the dark . . .
Prompt 3: This is not a small voice you hear . . .
Week 26: Moon
Prompt 1: I don't know who needs to hear this other than me . . .
Prompt 2: We know ____, and still . . .
Prompt 3: I don't expect ______, but I do believe _____ . . .
Week 27: Heart
Prompt 1: I do not mean _____ . . . I mean ______ . . .
Prompt 2: Where do you open?
Prompt 3: But mainly, let's be honest, I like . . .
Week 28: Doctors
Prompt 1: He said . . . I said . . .
Prompt 2: Remind me . . .
Prompt 3: I'm here to tell you . . .
Week 29: Rooms
Prompt 1: I remembered: rooms where . . . rooms where . . . rooms where . . .
Prompt 2: This is the everyday we spoke of: . . .
Prompt 3: Here in this house, among photographs of ______, I . . .
Week 30: Whales
Prompt 1: Things to do in the ____: . . .
Prompt 2: Every time . . .
Prompt 3: We all churn inside . . .
Week 31: Interior Lives
Prompt 1: Don't you wish they would stop . . .
Prompt 2: Who would believe . . .
Prompt 3: But when I look up . . .
Week 32: Trees
Prompt 1: Fine then, I'll take it . . .
Prompt 2: You ever think you could . . .
Prompt 3: From ____ comes . . .
Week 33: Rain
Prompt 1: You are living the life you wanted . . .
Prompt 2: My God, I thought, my whole life I've . . .
Prompt 3: I have been easy with . . .
Week 34: Birds
Prompt 1: For days now . . .
Prompt 2: What we love is rarely . . .
Prompt 3: Where will the meanings be when . . .
Week 35: Remembering
Prompt 1: Remember when . . .
Prompt 2: Tell me about the ____ my ____ was . . .
Prompt 3: I thought _____ remembered me. She . . .
Week 36: Mirrors
Prompt 1: I was much and no one thought . . .
Prompt 2: The time will come when . . .
Prompt 3: Chiasm
Week 37: Repetition
Prompt 1: We must . . .
Prompt 2: Open the hand and give me _____, as if . . . as if . . .
Prompt 3: You survived because . . .
Week 38: Rocks
Prompt 1: Forgive me . . . Tell me . . .
Prompt 2: Here's what I've been wondering . . . Here's what I've been hiding . . .
Prompt 3: If you look at something long enough . . .
Week 39: Beliefs
Prompt 1: I used to pretend to believe . . .
Prompt 2: I know there is . . .
Prompt 3: "I close my eyes and see . . ."
Week 40: Names
Prompt 1: I'm almost certain . . .
Prompt 2: Who was it who taught you . . .
Prompt 3: These ____ have no names whatever we call them . . .
Week 41: Peace of Wild Things
Prompt 1: When _____ grows in me, I . . .
Prompt 2: That time I thought I could not _____ without dying, I ______ . . .
Prompt 3: These things I know: . . .
Week 42: Quiet
Prompt 1: I'm learning so many ways to be ______. There's . . . There's . . .
Prompt 2: Suppose we _____ like the ______ . . .
Prompt 3: It was still _____ still _____ . . .
Week 43: Moonlight
Prompt 1: Although _______, the ______ . . .
Prompt 2: There will always be . . .
Prompt 3: When it's over, it's over . . .
Week 44: Waters
Prompt 1: Ask me . . .
Prompt 2: I . . . I . . . I . . .
Prompt 3: And drinking there, I remember . . .
Week 45: Hands
Prompt 1: No one ever thanked him . . .
Prompt 2: Please raise your hand . . .
Prompt 3: One hand . . . The other hand . . .
Week 46: Bodies
Prompt 1: I think of ______, the way they ______ . . .
Prompt 2: the ______ fits her ________ in ______ . . .
Prompt 3: There were times my life and I . . .
Week 47: Questions
Prompt 1: What part of your life’s record is skipping? What wound is on repeat? Have you done everything you can to break out of that groove?
Prompt 2: But what did I know . . .
Prompt 3: What else can I call . . .
Week 48: Knowing
Prompt 1: What if you knew . . .
Prompt 2: I know what it's like . . .
Prompt 3: These days your best bet is . . .
Week 49: David Whyte
Prompt 1: Everything is waiting for you . . .
Prompt 2: You must learn one thing: . . .
Prompt 3: I want to know . . .
Prompt 1: In one version . . .
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